Collateral Consequences of Drug Crimes
A drug conviction in the state of Texas can lead to collateral consequences that extend beyond the direct legal penalties imposed by the court. These consequences can impact various aspects of an individual’s life, including employment, housing, education, and civil rights.
In the following article, we’ll go into some of the possible consequences, beyond the legal, that may come with drug charges.
Criminal Defense Lawyer for Drug Charges in Austin, Texas
As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, Jackson Gorski is ready to defend you against Fentanyl possession charges. If you or a loved one have been accused of drug crimes in the Austin, Texas area, call 512.960.4646 to schedule a free consultation.
- Employment Opportunities
- Education Opportunities
- Housing Opportunities
- Voting Rights
- Firearm Rights
- Social Stigma
Loss of Employment Opportunities
Job Discrimination
A drug conviction may result in discrimination by employers. Some employers have policies against hiring individuals with drug convictions, especially for positions that involve handling sensitive information or working with vulnerable populations.
Professional Licenses
Certain professions, such as healthcare, law, and education, may require professional licenses. A drug conviction can lead to the suspension or denial of these licenses, hindering one’s ability to work in their chosen field.
Loss of Educational Opportunities
Financial Aid Eligibility
Drug convictions can affect eligibility for federal student aid, including grants and loans. Convicted individuals may be disqualified or face limitations on their ability to receive financial assistance for education.
Admission to Educational Institutions
Some educational institutions may consider drug convictions during the admission process, potentially impacting an individual’s ability to enroll in specific programs or institutions.
Public Housing Eligibility
Convictions for drug offenses may affect eligibility for public housing programs. Some housing authorities have policies that exclude individuals with certain criminal convictions from residing in public housing.
Private Landlords
Private landlords may conduct background checks and use drug convictions as a basis for denying housing applications.
Voter Disenfranchisement
In Texas, individuals convicted of felonies lose their voting rights during incarceration and parole. While the right to vote is restored after completing the sentence, the collateral consequence of temporary disenfranchisement can impact civic participation.
Loss of Firearm Rights
Certain drug convictions can result in restrictions on firearm possession. Federal law prohibits individuals convicted of felonies, including drug offenses, from owning or possessing firearms.
Possible Immigration Consequences
Non-U.S. citizens, including permanent residents (green card holders), may face deportation or other immigration consequences as a result of drug convictions.
Possible Social Stigma
Community Perception
Drug convictions can carry a social stigma, affecting how individuals are perceived in their communities. This stigma can impact personal relationships, social standing, and overall community integration.
Probation and Supervision
Restrictions on Activities: Individuals on probation or under community supervision may face restrictions on various activities, including travel, association with certain individuals, and participation in certain events.
Hire a Drug Charge Defense Lawyer
If you or a loved one have been accused of drug crimes in the Austin, Texas area, call 512.960.4646 to schedule a free consultation.
The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski has offices in Austin, TX, but accepts clients throughout the State of Texas including:
- Bastrop County
- Bell County
- Burnet County
- Caldwell County
- Lee County
- Hays County
- Williamson County
- Milam County
- Travis County