Internet Sex Crimes

Internet Sex Crimes

As technology develops, it seems more and more criminal offenses are committed online. This also includes sexually motivated offenses. Under Texas law, there are several sexual criminal offenses a person can be charged with by simply utilizing the internet including possession or promotion of child pornography, online solicitation of a minor, etc. These crimes, while not committed in-person, can yield serious penalties including time in prison and fines.

It’s important to remember a criminal charge does not mean an individual is guilty. The prosecution must prove all the elements listed under Texas law beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury in order to convict. This can be a difficult task if the defendant has an effective defense. To learn more about your legal options, contact an experienced Texas sex crimes defense lawyer with the legal team at The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski.

Internet Sex Crimes Attorney | Jackson Gorski

At The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski, we are ready to provide an efficient and aggressive defense to protect your rights. Our internet sex crime lawyer, Jackson F. Gorski, exclusively works in defense and has a special focus in sexually motivated crimes. Both him and his team will work diligently on your case and develop a defense sturdy enough to withstand the prosecution. With The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski, you can trust we will have your best interests in mind every step of the way.

Schedule your first consultation with The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski by filling out the online consultation form or calling our office at 512-960-4646. The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski has several offices in both Austin and Georgetown, Texas. We also accept clients throughout various counties in Texas including Travis County, Williamson County, Hays County, Lee County, Milam County, Burnett County, Blanco County, and Bell County.

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Examples of Internet Sex Crimes in Texas

An internet sex crime is any type of offense where sexual-related conduct is transmitted online or through electronic communication. These crimes can be on various internet platforms and electronic messaging services including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tik Tok, and messaging services such as instant messenger or text messaging. There are several criminal offenses listed under the Penal Code that are classified as a sex crime in Texas. These crimes include:

  • Online Solicitation of a Minor – Under the Penal Code Section 33.021, the statute states it’s illegal for any person to have a sexually explicit conversation with a minor or transmit sexually explicit content/material online with a person under 17. It’s also an offense for an individual to solicit or request the minor to meet up with them and engage in some type of sexual conduct. In most cases, online solicitation of a minor is a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
  • Possession or Promotion of Child Pornography – Knowingly or intentionally transferring, transmitting, possessing, promoting, or advertising child pornography is a serious crime under Texas law. This is considered to be one of the most heinous sexually motivated offenses under the Penal Code. For that reason, the State has imposed harsh penalties upon conviction including up to 10 years in prison for a first offense.
  • Online Promotion of Prostitution – It’s not only illegal to promote prostitution in-person, but it’s also a crime to advertise sex work services online as well. Please note, prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual conduct in exchange for a fee. Advertising or facilitating prostitution through an online platform is generally a third-degree felony.
  • Aggravated Online Promotion of Prostitution – An online promotion charge may be enhanced to an aggravated count if the individual accused had an online site/posting that advertised or facilitated prostitution involving 5 or more people. An individual can also be charged with aggravated online promotion if they have a prior conviction or their conduct involved 2 or more people under the age of 18.

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Penalties for Internet Sex Crimes in Texas

Despite the fact most crimes online are never committed in-person, most internet sex crimes will yield criminal penalties. The severity of these consequences will vary based on the charge, context of the crime, and any other relevant facts. Internet sex crimes are classified as either a misdemeanor or felony offense depending on the nature of the offense.

The classification and penalties for internet sex crimes in the State of Texas include:

  • Class C Misdemeanor – Up to $500 in fines
  • Class B Misdemeanor – Up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine
  • Class A Misdemeanor – Up to 12 months in jail and a $4,000 fine
  • State Jail Felony – Up to 2 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
  • Third-Degree Felony – Up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
  • Second-Degree Felony – Up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
  • First-Degree Felony – Minimum of 5 and maximum of 99 years

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Additional Resources

Enough is Enough | EIE – Visit the official website for Enough is Enough, a non-partisan and non-profit organization whose lifelong mission is to create a safer internet for children. Access the site to read up on their research regarding internet sex crimes, how to report a cybercrime, and in what ways you can help the organization.

Internet Sex Crimes | Texas Penal Code— Visit the official website of the Texas Penal Code to read up on their laws pertaining to cybercrimes and internet sex crimes. Access the site to read more on the details on child pornography crimes and online solicitation of a minor.

Although your reading of this website doesn’t constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship, I will tell you that you should avoid discussing your case with friends, family, social media applications, and prosecutors without the legal guidance of an experienced defense lawyer.